Contingency (beredskap)


The crisis team shall use this plan as overall documentation of the description of the crisis, proposals for solutions, roles and responsibilities, the need for communication and other relevant information. As one of the crisis team members works to find a solution to the crisis, this must be documented continuously in the Controller's log.



This is the crisis and contingency plan for Conexus AS. This shall take effect when the company is in a

situation that may be a danger to the company's continued existence, with regards to finances, reputation or to the great detriment of employees or partners.
The crisis and contingency plan shall not be used to handle daily incidents. Conexus AS's CEO shall, in consultation with relevant professionals, assess whether an incident is a crisis, so that the crisis team will come together and plan for alternative operations, and how best to recover through the crisis. Only the CEO (including its deputy) of Conexus AS declares a crisis.

Employees who have been assigned roles in a crisis situation must participate in an annual crisis exercise. Conexus AS will train in crisis management, see separate chapter at the end of this plan.

CISO is responsible for involving relevant parties in Conexus for an annual revision of this crisis and contingency plan. Revised version must be approved by the CEO.

This plan must be well known to all employees. In the case of new hires and hiring of personnel, the crisis and contingency plan must be informed to the new persons concerned.

Crisis Team


Assigned to

Area of responsibility

Crisis Manager


Makes the final decisions

Deputy Crisis Manager


Can step into the leader's absence

Personal HR


HR related areas

Crisis Controller


To ensure privacy and documentation of crisis



Economic consequences



Internal and external communication

Expert IT: 1


Must account for IT consequences

Expert IT: 2


Must account for IT consequences

Expert HMS

Safety representative

Must be responsible for consequences related to security (not IT security)

Support function


Security Incident IRM reports to Crisis team IRM

In the event of unavailability of the CEO and COO, the Chairman of the Board shall take over the Crisis Manager function and, with the assistance of available resources from the Crisis Team, fill missing functions.


The following are considered to be contacted when business is in, or may be in a crisis. Depending on the crisis, the list is assessed by the crisis team, the mentioned contacts can be expanded or deleted from the list in the current need.

All communication internally and externally must be approved by the communications manager in the crisis team.

  • Chairman of the Board

  • Head of Product Delivery

  • Head of Sales & Marketing

  • Head of the Customer Success

  • Head of Conexus Asia

  • External contacts